Friday, May 29, 2020

Red Thai noodle salad

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For one serving-Cook one cup  noodles in simmering water 4-5 min and then run under cold water then toss with raw veggies below:

Sliver a small carrot with the peeler
sliver 1/2 red radish
thinly cut 1/2 of a celery stock
thinly slice some cucumber (I used about an inch worth)
thinly chop a tab of onion
knead about a cup of chopped Kale
Thinly chop 4-5 basil leaves
optional--a handful of left over cooked cubed tofu (that I had marinated in a bit of Tamari and cooked in the oven at 425 F for 40 minutes-turning them at 1/2 way)
Toss with the noodles and add a splash of white rice vinegar and tamari

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