Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chai Tea smoothie from Cindy

I found this recipe at Oak View Cottage by Cindy here .
Here is what she says:
"Today, instead of a third cup of coffee, though, I decided to have a Chai Tea smoothie.
This is what I did.

1 chai teabag, put it in a glass measuring cup or heavy mug in the microwave with a tablespoon of brown sugar and a half cup of water, microwave for three minutes, let sit for ten minutes and brew.

Take the teabag out and put the brewed tea with a cup of crushed ice in blender with 1 cup milk.

Blend on high or if you have a Ice Crush feature like my Cuisinart has, blend it until it turns real smooth and you no longer hear the blades hitting ice. You want all of the ice completely crushed"

Ps. you can also use Blue Agave as a sweetner and add more or less to taste. I used almond milk for mine.

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