Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chocolate mug cake Gluten Free (2 RECIPES)


Yum, yum and moist---the chips melt nicely on top if added after cooking---I took the photo before spreading them.


2 tblsp GF oat flour
3 tblsp cocoa powder
2 tblsp maple syrup
1 tblsp peanut butter
3 tblsp almond milk (or whatever) I used vanilla almond milk
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

chocolate chips (optional) sprinkle on top at end

How to:

grease mug, then add all ingredients except for choc chips. Microwave for 40 or 45 or 50 seconds (or whatever works in your microwave). Sprinkle with the chips---and let melt a bit and eat!

Note to self I used my English blue willow mug

Recipe #2


2 tablespoons King Arthur measure for measure GF flour
2 tablespoons of sugar                                                       
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.                                         
1/4 teaspoon baking powder                                              
3 tablespoons of soy milk or milk of choice                     
1 tablespoon of applesauce                                               
1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract                                           
Dairy free dark chocolate chips                                       

Instructions. In mug mix dry ingredients. Then add the wet ingredients mixing well. Top with chocolate chips. Microwave for 60 seconds.

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