My son and I enjoy these--they are gluten free and tasty. I cooked them in my regular stainless steel pot (these are not baked in oven)--only had to stir occasionally---every few minutes--so I would stir and run do something then stir...etc
I believe I found this at vegweb----This is a direct quote that follows.
Recipe submitted by (Connie Warren)
Pumpkin Dandies
Ingredients (use vegan versions):
1 cup Libbys solid pack pumpkin
1 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup flaked coconut, lightly packed
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Finely chopped walnuts or pecans
Red or green candied cherries, optional
Mix 1st 5 ingred. well in a large heavy saucepan. Cook over medium high, stirring constantly, 15-20 min. It is done when it is very thick and leaves side of pan, forming a ball in the center as you stir. Turn onto a buttered baking sheet. Cover loosely with foil or plastic wrap. Let cool completely. Lightly butter hands. Shape candy into balls. Roll in nuts. Top with cherry half if desired (yuk!). Cover, store in refrigerator. Yield 2 1/2 dozen. Vary by stirring 1 c. crushed 100% natural cereal into cooked candy before cooling and shaping.
Can you please tell me what the pumpkin looks like? Where I am I have to use fresh and cook - was it very firm and not very moist? The recipe sounds delicious and I'd love to try it. Much gratitude
canned pumpkin is fairly packed but it is not really firm...In the recipe it tells you to cook on the stovetop and as it does it gets much firmer. You may have to experiment in the cooking of it. I cooked mine about 25 minutes and it did thicken up some as it cooled in the frg (I may have let it cool a few hours--really cold---spread in a 7 by 10 pan to cool faster). It rolled into balls nicely and rolling into the nuts helps keep its form. These do have a mushy type quality--but as I said, my son and I really like them.
I think these would be very good. I have a similar recipe (somewhere) made with dates.
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